Thursday, 27 April 2017

No More Mess, Difficulties, Tension, Stress, Trouble and Problems in Life

Every day is a new day for struggling in the life. Life is so complicated that everybody is running to earn an excess of money or different currencies. Let’s discuss with the help of an example. A sales boy or marketing boy cannot sleep properly at night. The reason is tension. How to achieve the huge target? How to convince the distributors? How to keep the market happy? How to keep dealers, customers, boss, seniors, and distributors happy? Every day the sales boys used to roam here and there through different modes of transport. If the target is achieved, then the job is secure, if not the boss can fire anytime. Different people have different types of problems and a problem creates tension, one comes in trouble. Nobody likes difficulties. Astrologer Mukesh Sharma is the man who can solve all your problems. No More Mess, Difficulties, Tension, Stress, Trouble and Problems in Life. He is the best astrologer in India.

Those people who are extraordinary, brilliant and very intelligent gets good placement. They used to work in big companies. There are many Indians who are working in America, Canada, England, Australia etc., but those students who are very weak in their studies, what about them. Those people who are not very intelligent or struggling in their life, what about them. Every person gets married in his life, but the day to day expenses are given by the head of the family. Today in 2017 also there are many families where father used to give money to his son on a monthly basis so that they can live a happy life. The father is giving money to his grandson or granddaughter regarding school fee, tuition, books, stationary items, entertainment, and hobby classes. Why I am saying this because every person has his own star, horoscope, and planets. If anybody wants to know about his future prediction, then contact astrologer Mukesh Sharma. His mobile number is 8289036813. He is the best astrologer in India.

Today even big tycoons, famous businessmen, industrialist, popular politicians, well-known film stars and sports personalities used to visit knowledgeable astrologers. If these people have an excess of money, then also they used to consult an astrologer. Nobody wants to live sad, unhappy, in depression and stress. If the mind is fully relaxed, then we can do anything. Today many people used to plan for suicide, divorce, leave house permanently, drink alcohol and consume poisonous items. Please don’t spoil your health and life. Life is very precious. Don’t bother what people think or say about you. Have faith in God. Another problem is ego, dominating each other and having proud that I have an excess of knowledge in any subject. People used to say that I can speak hours and hours on a different topic like the international market, national economy, agriculture etc. Some people used to say that I know how to run a company. Ego is not a good thing. Just pick your phone and solve all your problems with astrologer Mukesh Sharma. His mobile number is 8289036813. He is the bestastrologer in India. The website is

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Best Tips by Astrologer Mukesh Sharma to Keep Your Mind Totally Relaxed

Today many people are suffering from a headache, stress, tension, worried about their future and family etc. Don’t exaggerate your problems; plan to solve it systematically or step by step. Actually, many of us just ignore our problems; we think that it will be solved automatically after few months or years. No, the reality is that every person has his own stars and luck. Some people get an excess of money, name, fame and status in the national and international market at very early age. For example famous Indian cricketers, Punjabi singers, Hollywood and Bollywood actors and actresses, comedians and famous politicians.  But the reality of life is that everybody does not get success in his entire life. Just consult Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

The Best Tips by Astrologer Mukesh Sharma to Keep Your Mind Totally Relaxed are mentioned below.
          Get up early in the morning and drink two glasses of water and go for morning walk.
          Plan for regular exercise at morning or evening
          Plan for running or jogging also
          Plan for gym
          Eat lot of fruits
          Do meditation regularly
          Read religious and motivation books
          Watch knowledgeable channels on TV
          Never compare your children’s personality with other relatives or family friends.
          Keep healthy environment in your house
          Give respect and regards to entire family members

If anybody wants to know about more tips, then just call astrologer Mukesh Sharma at 8289036813. He is the man who can solve any big problems. Even some other astrologers used to ask him or take suggestions from him. You can also call him at 9646731915 and 9815872813. Indians who are settled in abroad used to talk or chat with him on regular basis. If anybody really wants to live happier in life, then just contact him today and see the results. From this blog, it is very clear that he is the best astrologer in India.

If any men and women are looking for a permanent solution regarding love problems, marriage problems or issues, family issues, court case problems, job, business and finance issues and even looking for health and money problem solution, then this is the best place. No need to go here and there. Please don’t waste your time while roaming here and there. You can solve all your problems through the phone. Our guru ji provides online services also. Even some children’s are out of control, this is also a problem, so you can solve it. If somebody is looking for visa problem solution, delay or late marriage, vashikaran and black magic, again this is the best place. Thus this blog is very much beneficial for those people who want to start new innings in their life. Mukesh Sharma is very honest, sincere and updated in astrology, horoscope, and gemstone. Thus Mukesh Sharma is the best astrologer in India. His services are also popular in worldwide. His website is

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Free tips and advice to keep your mind relaxed by the best Astrologer in India – Mukesh Sharma

Warm Greetings to all of you! Today lots of people are suffering from health problems. There are lots of politics which are seen in the families. Children’s are arguing with their parents. Even grand children’s are arguing with their grandparents. Daughter in law is arguing with her father in law and mother in law. The daughter in law used to cry whole night and could not sleep because of tension. The father in law is shouting loudly and scolding her daughter in law. The husband is worried what to do in this situation. If he says that my wife is perfect, then his mother will feel bad. If he says that my mother is perfect then his wife will feel bad. This type of situation is seen in many houses.  So please don’t spoil your mind and health, just consult Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

Now let’s focus on the topic of the blog i.e. free tips and advice to keep your mind relaxed by the best Astrologer in India – Mukesh Sharma. What are the genuine reasons of stress, tension, and depression? There are many reasons which are mentioned below.

          We are not well settled in our career.
          We cannot afford luxurious life.
          We are poor if we compare our self with the top most tycoons or sports celebrities.
          The father is giving money to his son on monthly basis.
          After marriage, there is no freedom or independence for daughter in law.
          Family politics
          Mouth fight between mother in law and daughter in law
          Mouth fight between father and son
          Business and job problems
          Excess of health problems
          Husband-wife disputes
          Inter-caste Love marriage problem
          Seniors are dominating juniors in job
          Family relatives are dominating on the basis of status, bank balance etc.

Thus from above points, it is very clear that why people suffer from stress, tension, and depression. Now the question strikes in the mind that how to stay happy in life, how to solve above-mentioned problems. First of all, never compare yourself with anybody. If the situation is very bad or you are facing an excess of problems, then immediately consult Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.  Now I am going to provide some free tips that how to stay happy in life. The points are mentioned below.

          Never bother what people say about you. If you are correct and perfect then why you are worried.
          Plan for meditation
          Plan for regular exercise
          Drink plenty of water
          Plan for yoga
          Plan for regular walk also on daily bases
          Read motivation books
          Never plan that you can keep happy to entire world
          Just do your duty sincerely.
          Never argue with your parents or wife or children’s. If they are wrong, then the time will teach them.
          Don’t except that your friends and close relatives will help you when you are in a difficult situation.

If still, you want to live happy in life, then just chat or talk to our guru ji Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India. His mobile number is 8289036813, 9646731915 and 9815872813. For more information, visit

Friday, 21 April 2017

Relationship Problem Solution by the Best Astrologer in India

This is a universal truth that there are different types of relations with a different person like a father; mother, brother, sister, cousins,   relatives, family friends, official colleagues, seniors, juniors, close friends etc. The other most important relation is between husband and wife. If all goes well, then there is no problem. Once there is the difference in any relation, then love, affection and regards gets reduce day by day. For example if the son is not happy with his father, then they used to argue with each other, similarly, daughter in law and mother in law relation is very famous for mouth fight. Some husband-wife used to fight with each other on family issues. Please don’t spoil your relations with anybody. Every person has its own importance in the family. Today money is the most important thing in this world. Solve any problem by Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

Let's discuss few more examples suppose husband is a doctor as per his profession and he used to drink a lot at evening, his wife is scolding that please don’t drink. The husband is replying that I am not drinking alcohol from your father’s money. Then the clashes start between couples. If there is a lot of mess in any family, it means there is no happiness. We used to say that there is politics in the job, but this is also a universal truth that there is a lot of politics in the family also. The parents used to talk about their children’s in their bedroom and children’s used to talk about their parents in their bedroom. The topic is we are not happy with them. Before marriage, the boy is very sincere for his parents, but after marriage, some boys ignore their parents and agree what his wife says to him. Just open your eyes and ears and apply your mind. If still there is any an issue or problems, then just consult Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

Time is changing day by day. Today many of us are educated. Youngsters know what is good or bad for them. Today youngsters are having branded smart phones like an apple with high-speed internet connection. They prefer café coffee day and movies in the multiplex. They love to eat junk or fast food. But if you ask any elder person or their parents or even grandparents, then they will never appreciate these things. Today true love, affection, respect, regards, helping elders is also decreased day by day. The joint families are no more. People want to settle in their life and want to be independent. If any person is facing relation problem with anybody, then just consult Mukesh Sharma. His mobile numbers are 8289036813, 9646731915 and 9815872813. Thus Mukesh Sharma is the best astrologer in India. For more detailed information about his services, just visit the website

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Husband Wife Love Problem Solution by the best Astrologer in India

This blog is especially for those married couples who do not have time for love with each other. Today a woman also does not want to sit idle in the house. She also wants to work and contribute in money.  Today if the husband is well settled in his career or his business in on the peak or at boom stage, then also some women prefer a part-time or full-time job. Now let’s focus on the main point that why love is reducing or getting less day by day between husband and wife. There are many genuine reasons like the mother in law and father in law are not happy from their daughter in law. When the husband comes from the office, his wife is crying and telling that your parents told me a lot of things which is hurting me. When the husband is sitting with his parents, then they are saying that your wife has not done any housework. A lot of housework is still pending. So the mind gets disturbed. Just consult Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India. Solve husband wife love problem solution by the best astrologer Mukesh Sharma.

There are so many other reasons also like the food is not cooked properly. Mother in law and father in law are saying that our daughter in law is not career conscious. She is not beautiful. She does not respect us. She used to sleep a lot. She argues with us. She loves to purchase a lot of or excess clothes. Except this, the other reasons are husband is dominating his wife on the basis of ego, bank balance, personality, communication skills, an excess of knowledge of international economy, local market, presentation skills in front of a lot of people etc. love each other. Life is very short. Solve immediately, husband wife loves problem solution by the best, famous, well known and honest astrologer Mukesh Sharma. Call at 8289036813. You can also call at 9646731915 & 9815872813.

Now I am going to explain one more example which is seen very common in many houses. If the husband is not settled in his career, then also his parents plan for marriage. After marriage, the day to day expenses of their children and grandchildren is taken by the head of the family. Wife expects to live independent. Wife expects to go for shopping at weekends. She also expects movies in the multiplex, food from the famous restaurant, hotel etc. She expects to go to meet her parents on vacation. But the husband cannot do anything because he is dependent on his parents. So the love gets less or decreases between husband and wife. The couple used to fight at late night in their bedroom. Please don’t spoil your life and health. Solve husband wife love problem solution by the best astrologer Mukesh Sharma. The name of the website of our guru ji is

Monday, 17 April 2017

How to bring closeness between mother in law and daughter in law by the best Astrologer in India

Hello everybody, warm greetings! The climate has already changed. It’s very hot. So please drink as much water you can on your daily basis. Drink fresh lemon juice. Avoid junk food and non-vegetarian food in summer. Now let’s focus on the blog. Today I am going to focus how to keep entire family members happy. How to convert negative people into positive? How to keep people more healthy in their life? How to keep people more cheerful in their life? If any people from entire world really want to live happy in life, then he should never compare his personality, communication and his bank balance with others. The wife and husband should never dominate each other. One should never talk negative things with anybody. Have faith in God. Accept the realities of life. If anybody is facing bad time, don’t surrender yourself. If still there is no solution, then just contact Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

How to bring closeness between mother in law and daughter in law by our guru ji Mukesh Sharma? Today there are many families in which mother in law and daughter in law are staying together, but they are not happy. There is a lot of mess in many houses? There are a lot of political family problems in many houses. Parents are not happy with their children. Grandparents are not happy from their children as well as grand children’s. Everybody wants to become superior in the house. Today the biggest issue in every house is that who will do the entire house work like cleaning, washing utensils, and clothes, dusting, making fresh food in breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner. If the husband is calling his friends or relatives, then the wife has to cook special food for them. The best solution is the mother in law and daughter law should divide the kitchen work. They should talk clearly with each other. If still there is a problem, then just consult the best astrologer in India, Mukesh Sharma. His mobile number which is working on WhatsApp is 8289036813, 9646731915 & 9815872813.

Life is very short. We are just talking about others. He or she has done nothing for me. I have done a lot for him or her, but they have done nothing for us. Please enjoy your life. Keep smiling. Always be cheerful. If you are correct, then there is no need to worry. Plan for meditation, relaxation, exercise and pray to God on daily basis. Our guru ji Mukesh Sharma is vashikaran and black magic specialist also. In short if any person who is settled in India or any corner of the world, and they are facing problems regarding the job , business, court case, husband wife dispute, love marriage, inter-caste marriage problems, then just call our guru ji and solve all your issues. Sadness, worry, problems, tensions will be finished permanently from your life. Thus from this blog, it is very clear that Mukesh Sharma is the best astrologer in India. The name of the website of our guru ji is

Friday, 14 April 2017

Solve Job problem solution by Astrologer Mukesh Sharma

Hello everybody, warm good morning and greetings to all of you. I hope my blogs are providing you lot of information. Today in this blog I am focusing on the job problem solution. Many of us get a job, but after few months we used to search a new job because we are not happy with the current or existing management. We are not happy from office colleagues. We used to search job through the internet. We visit job portals or websites. Today many boys and girls have post graduate degree, but no job security. Many are sitting idle or free in their house. Many students are unemployed. Why I am providing all these information because every person has its own stars, luck, and future. If anybody wants to know about his future, career, job, star, luck and destiny, then contact the best astrologer in India, Mukesh Sharma. Solve your job problem solution immediately.

There are many people in this world that never set in their career. At the age of sixty of also, they are struggling in the job. Today especially youngsters compare with famous and well-known personalities.  Today earning money is not that easy. Those students who are below average or just average, they are earning very less money. Luck is the most important thing. We all of us go to interview, but how many of us get a good job with the high package. A lot of Indians are going to abroad and working as a labor. The purpose is to earn money. If any person is facing a lot of or excess of problems or difficulties in their job, then just consult or contact our guru ji Mukesh Sharma. His contact numbers are 8289036813, 9646731915 and 9815872813. When you will get a job and good salary, then you will feel very happy. Your parents and your wife will also feel very happy. Solve your job problem solution immediately.

Success and increment are must in any job. If there is no success and increment in the job, then one comes to stress and depression. He or she feels very sad and used to stay unhappy. So please don’t waste your time, just call or drop your message through WhatsApp. Send or drop your problems which are related to the job or any other issues at 8289036813 and chat directly to our guru ji. If you are not getting promotion in your job, then also this is the right place for you. Please don’t ignore this blog; just one call can really change your entire life. If you want an excess of money, it means you will live and lead a luxurious life. Solve your job problem solution immediately. For more information, visit

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Know about your star, luck and future by the best astrologer in India – Mukesh Sharma

In this world, is there any person who really loves to carry an excess of problems with him for a lifetime? The answer is “no”. Everybody wants to live happy, healthy, wealthy, smiley, cheerful and prosperous life. Everybody wants to avoid or keep a long distance from day to day worries. This is also a universal truth that if we talk about our grandparents or our forefathers, that time was very different if you compare with today. Today everybody wants to lead a luxurious life. Everybody wants to live in a luxurious house. He expects there should a swimming pool, high power generator, 24 hours electricity, 24 hours water supply, every week movies in the multiplex, food in 5 or 7 star hotel, but for these entire things, one really require an excess of money. Today there are lots of people in the entire world, who are unemployed. Please don’t waste your precious time, consult Mukesh Sharma because he is the only best astrologer in India. He can solve any problem with 100 % guarantee.

Today life is very complicated. Nobody is happy with anybody, especially in the family. The best example is daughter in law is not happy from her mother in law, the husband is not happy with his wife due to family disputes or family politics. The man has to keep happy to his parent’s, wife, children, relatives, boss, official colleagues, seniors, and juniors. Just ask yourself is it very easy to keep happy to everybody? You know the answer very well. Today girls really love the excess of shopping. They love to buy a lot of dresses. When a mother in law knows that her daughter in law is purchasing a lot of clothes, then she feels very bad. Today there are many girls who do not want to enter into the kitchen. You have to make food for breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner. Everybody wants to eat rich and healthy food. Please solve all your house, home or family issues by the best astrologer in India.

Every person has its own star, luck, and future, but we don’t know. So Know about your star, luck, and future by the best astrologer in India. Now let’s conclude the blog with one more example. Sometimes we love to sit and chat or love to talk with our parents, but when the mind is not relaxed or we are disturbed, then we love to sit independently. Love yourself, your family members and keep it balance. Every person has its own personality and importance. The mobile number of our guru ji / astrologer Mukesh Sharma is 8289036813, 9646731915 and 9815872813. For more detailed information, just visit

Monday, 10 April 2017

Solve mental stress, headache and negative thoughts permanently by the best astrologer in India

Hello everybody warm greetings to all of you! Today I am going to focus why there is a lot of difference between husband and wife? Let’s discuss one by one with an example. Before marriage, the lifestyle of any person is totally different if you compare with a married couple. After marriage, when the newly born baby comes in the world, then again the lifestyle changes totally. This is a universal truth that bachelor life is just like a free bird. Once you are married, it means a new life starts. The girls have to cook food, she has to get up early in the morning, she has to cut her sleep, she has to do a lot of work in the house after marriage, but suddenly problems comes in the life. This marriage couple comes under depression and stress. Today life is very competitive. In every profession, there is a lot of competition. If any person has any problem, just contact astrologer Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

Those students who are extraordinary in studies or those are very intelligent or brilliant in sports also, they rise in their life, but those who are average or below average; they used to struggle a lot in their life. No doubt those who are earning just 6000 per month, they also get married in their life. The most important point is there should be an understanding between each other. Yes, money is very important to survive in this world, but the couple should never say that my salary is more than you. Sometimes husband plans to start a business, he fails, and then wife used to say that you spoiled your entire hard earn money. Just solve any problem related to the job, business, and health and family issues by the best astrologer inIndia who is Mukesh Sharma.

The contact or mobile numbers which are working on WhatsApp of our astrologer is 8289036813, 9646731915 and 9815872813. Those Indians, who are settled in abroad or settles in any country, just drop your message through WhatsApp or drop us a mail. You can visit the website and check our email address or you can chat online through our guru ji directly. If any person is looking for enemy problem solution, love problem solution, delay marriage problem solution, inter-caste marriage problem solution, court case problem solution, then also our guru ji can solve it with 100 % guarantee. Thus from this blog, it is very clear that Mukesh Sharma is the best astrologer inIndia. In other words, we can say that Solve mental stress, headache, and negative thoughts permanently by the best astrologer in India. The website is

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Bring lot of happiness in family by the best astrologer in India

What are the reasons for conflict between couples? Today there are a lot of cases seen regarding disagreement or clash between husband and wife. There are many topics where they never agree with each other. Let’s discuss one of the best examples. On Sunday the wife used to say that I have made breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner. I have also done a lot of housework like dusting, washing clothes, cleaning house and washing utensils, then she asks her husband what you have done a whole day on Sunday? If husband used to help his wife then the parents of the boy feel very bad. The women are looking at her children’s also. We expect the women should work in government sector or in the big corporate world. Today making food is the biggest problem in many families. But as per my knowledge if the entire family members work together then there will be a lot of happiness. If still there are a lot of problems, then just contact Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

Today in 2017, problems are increasing a lot. Every person thinks that he is the best among all other family members. The divorce cases are increasing day by day. The family members used to argue with each other. The daughter in law used to argue with her mother in law. The women used to cry in front of her husband and husband used to think that my wife is correct. When a man sits in front of his wife, then he thinks that my parents are wrong, when he sits in front of his parents then he thinks that his wife is wrong. Today there is so much mess or confusion in the job, business, and family. Please don’t spoil your mind and health. Just Pick up your simple or smart phone and call at 8289036813, 9646731915 & 9815872813 numbers. Solve any issues or problems and stay happy in your life. Thus Mukesh Sharma is the best astrologer in India.

Today the biggest problem is ego and dominating family members. The lifestyle of our grandparents was totally different if you compare with today lifestyle, especially with youngsters. Let's discuss one more example suppose the women are cooking food and her husband is saying that the salt is very less and the food is very spicy or the food is over cooked or the food is not cooked properly. The wife feels very bad and sad. Please help each other and love each other. Today both couples are working in private job. Thus if anybody wants to decimate his worries or problems permanently, then astrologer Mukesh Sharma is the best option. He is the best astrologer in India. Call him and see the excellent results. The website is of our guru ji is Thus Mukesh Sharma is the man who can bring a lot of happiness in your face as well as your entire family members. 

Friday, 7 April 2017

How educated and knowledgeable astrologer can keep your mind relaxed

This is a universal truth that nobody is perfect in this world, why I am saying this is because we used to say very commonly that those people are not good, they have lot of egos, they are selfish, they don’t know how to speak in front of others, they don’t know dressing sense, they don’t have table etiquettes etc. A country like India, there is many houses where parents are not happy with their children’s. So children’s are not happy with their grandparents. The best example is mouth fight between mother in law and daughter in law. Why they cannot become true friends. Husband and wife used to argue with each other due to family issues. People who are working in private jobs have a lot of pressure that how to achieve the big or huge target? All these things spoil the mind. If anybody wants to relax his mind properly, then contact astrologer Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer inIndia.

Let’s discuss the topic of the blog how educated and knowledgeable astrologer can keep your mind relaxed with an example. Every day is a new day for the struggle. Every day one has to perform best in the job or business or market. Gone those days when girls or women used to work the whole day in the kitchen. Today they are also working in corporate companies. Many India girls have settled in abroad. So they also have stress, tension and problems or worries in their day to day activity. Astrologer Mukesh Sharma is highly educated, skilled, knowledgeable, honest, sincere and perfect in his profession astrology. He is providing all his services to worldwide. He is also providing vashikaran and black magic services. In short, he is the best astrologer in India.

Today the biggest problem is who will cook the food for breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner? The mother in law expects that her daughter in law should get up early in the morning and she should cook food for entire family members. She should get up 4 o clock in the morning. She should wash the clothes; she should look her children’s properly. She should also do dusting for the entire house. She is not a machine. She is also a human being. Solve the entire problem by astrologer Mukesh Sharma. His contact numbers are 8289036813, 9646731915 & 9815872813. Just one call will change your entire life. Our guru ji will keep your mind relaxed. He is number one and best astrologer in India. His Website is

Monday, 3 April 2017

Resolve husband wife dispute by the best astrologer in India

In this blog, I am going to explain you in detail with the help of an example that why problems are increasing day by day in the family? There are many genuine reasons, so let’s discuss one by one. Some girls and women’s are very active, they manage everything systematically, either it is cooking food, washing clothes, purchasing grocery items, looking after children’s and in-laws. But today these things are seen very less. I am not complaining about girls, but time has changed.  One person cannot do the entire work. If the married men are doing the kitchen work, then his mother feels very bad. This is a universal truth that there is no single house where there are no problems or politics. Another reason is the salary of the husband is less and the salary of his wife is more, so parents used to say that no need to be depressed. This is your property. So please don’t spoil your entire life due to any reason, just contact astrologer Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

You must be thinking that this blog is for online promotion, but the reality is our guru ji really wants to solve all the issues, worries and problems from your entire life. His contact numbers which are working on WhatsApp are 8289036813, 9646731915 & 9815872813. Let's discuss one more example suppose the day is Sunday and husband and wife wants to cook food together in the kitchen, again the mother will feel very bad. She will say this is the job of your wife, not your, you just go and take rest in your room. If the son speaks in front of her mother then she will feel bad. If he scolds his wife, then the relation will become more terrible day by day. Ego, dominating each other, arguments with family members really spoils our health. Just contact Mukesh Sharma because he is the best astrologer in India.

Some husband used to drop their wife to office or school or college in morning, again parent used to say she cannot go independently. Just ask one question yourself, in 2017 how many girls and women really used to do entire house work independently. Some husband used to come late night to just sleep in their house because of family politics. Some used to drink alcohol and some plan to eat food from outside and used to come late night. Please don’t spoil your health and mind. Love yourself. Just bring any problem to our guru ji and lead a happy life. So resolve immediately husband wife dispute by the best astrologer in India. For more information, just visit